Sunday 29 January 2017


  1. To undo the last click or drag of the Quick Selection tool, press Ctrl-Z/Cmd-Z.
  2. To save any kind of selection to an alpha channel
  3. To clean up a Quick Selection, you can use another selection tool, such as the Lasso. To refine the selection.

Tuesday 24 January 2017




Nikon 70-300mm VR vs 55-300mm VR

So I thought I would take a moment to compare and contrast these two long telephoto lenses from Nikon. They both have a very similar range of focal length. They are also both very sharp lenses. That might be where the similarities end though.
The 55-300 VR is a DX lens and as such is much smaller and lighter which can certainly be a plus if you are carrying it around all day. The DX lens is also as such cheaper both in build quality and cost. I believe its currently running around 400 US dollars new. The main drawback I see with this lens is that Autofocus is insanely slow. I do not feel like I am exaggerating either. The manual focus ring on this lens is in the front of the lens which means it’s location moves as you zoom. If you are going to try and take pictures of anything that moves a lot you might as well give it up. If on the other hand you want a cheap lens that will give you a narrow depth of field at 300mm and aren’t concerned with the autofocus speed then this is your lens.
Now on to the 70-300 VR which is an FX lens and will work on full frame and crop sensor DSLR’s. This is a much bigger and more well built lens than the 55-300 and as such costs a little more. I believe the 70-300 VR is currently running 589 US dollars. The main advantage this lens has is near instantaneous autofocus. I have been simply amazed at how quick and accurate this lens focuses. Manual focus is also far superior on this lens also. This lens is hefty but not too bad to carry around all day. When it comes to bokeh I like this lens much better than the DX lens. I recently took it out for the day and threw a 35mm f1.8 prime in my pocket and to be honest I did not feel I needed anything else.Re: Nikkor 55-300 mm vs nikkor Nikkor 70-300 mm
Amatuer MD wrote:
I don't know if I am totally right in this context, but since 55-300mm is DX lens and 70-300mm is FX lens, I'd get better / actual focal length on shorter zoom length with 55-300mm, while 70-300 mm will act as 105-450mm on my DX body. Please correct me if I am wrong.
You are wrong. 55-300mm will act as 55-300mm and 70-300mm will act as 70-300mm. The only difference between DX and FX lens, is that DX-lens will not lighten the whole FX sensor. But as long you are using a DX-camera, you will not see any difference.
Re: Nikkor 55-300 mm vs nikkor Nikkor 70-300 mm
Actually, I am pretty sure you are right. The 70-300 will give you an effective field of view similar to 105-450.
I used to own the 55-300 and didn't like it at all. I found the AF to be too slow for my needs (motorsport and airshows) and the images were a bit soft, although that could well have been user error. A friend of mine has the 70-300 and it does produce some very nice images throughout most of the zoom range but it does get a little bit soft towards the long end.
I guess you really need to try and understand exactly what images you want from the lens. Will you be bothered by the gap in focal range or will you mostly be using the long end?

Jay OC • 
Re: Nikkor 55-300 mm vs nikkor Nikkor 70-300 mm
The70-300 will effectively  act as a 105 - 450. But you will loose 1/3 of the FOV. Check  the Nikon website  and review the        specs for the lens  on a DX body.
I have the 55-300.  I use it for wildlife shots.  So focusing speed is not as much  an issue for me. I have gotten  some good shots with the lens. The only time I had trouble with my D7000 / 55-300 set up was when we were in Grand Tetons National Park. There was some elk in the bushes at a distance and the camera had trouble focusing on the animal.

Monday 23 January 2017

Self Hosted WordPress #DAMARU

Self Hosted WordPress on Cloud Server for YOU,YOU YES #DAMARU

You must understand 

that, a server we use is nothing but just a special kind of computer you are using. The basic difference is it is designed in a way so that it can run for 365 days, has hardware based security and some extra things. Ultimately it is just a computer like you have on your lap or desk or palm. Unfortunately, most uses Microsoft Windows operating system, which is nothing but a crap, prone to virus operating system. For servers we usually use Free operating system of Linux category. Those who are using a Linux PC like running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or using a Mac are actually very closer to the setup of a server. We do not use our laptop or desktop as a server as it will die soon if we run it for 24 hours, a human will be needed to look after it etc. This is the basic reason why we usually rent a server space. For developmental purpose, you can actually install WordPress on your own computer :

    1. Installing WordPress Using XAMPP and
    2. Using WAMP software

    This method to test run Self Hosted WordPress on your computer is very very important to understand how the things works. This will save you from future huge cost for hiring developers (when practically there is no need), using the server’s bandwidth (plus burning Internet bandwidth) unnecessarily.
    The thing that is definitely coming in your mind, “if my computer is just like a server then why a server is not like my computer”. Actually we can, we can use a server just like a remote desktop with mouse, keyboard etc. You can see this guide where we did for very advanced users.

    Self Hosted WordPress on Cloud Server : Then Why I See That CPanel or Plesk Thing ?

    Self Hosted WordPress on Cloud Server for Dummies

    As you have understood, basically a folder of a computer is exposed to the public, actually that is only accessible via browsers. We set up in a way, so that the domain name point towards that folder. Understand it : we as the owners (rather tenant as we rent a server) can access the whole computer ; i.e. the server as well as the publicly accessible folder where your beautiful WordPress is located.
    cPanel like control panel is a web hosting panel, that is a software itself, that is installed on this computer. Basically this cPanel is highly profitable for both the web hosting providers and cPanel software developers (its a quite badly high priced software). This actually confuses the most (that is an indirect advantage gained by old generation web hosting companies – they keep the consumers in dark with this odd panel) as the ‘computer’ thing of server is not felt because of this cPanel. Additionally, cPanel itself is a software, which will run 24 hours – despite we you will not need it, it is a wastage of resources. It just gives a graphical user interface.


    Self Hosted WordPress on Cloud Server : Make it Easy with a Cloud Server

    Most Cloud Hosting bands like The Rackspace Cloud or HP actually charges in pay as you go model. They simply give a server. As that rented computer is geographically away from you (that is why it is a remote computer), we can not open it directly with a monitor, keyboard sitting beside it ! We use Internet to connect with it. As that connection has risks (hackers can intrude if we keep it unsecured) we use Secure Shell or SSH to connect with it with a black command line screen. Following this way, we have published guide how to install WordPress on a Server. In fact, your beloved cPanel is also installed in this way – check this guide. So, with a cloud server, you actually have various advantages – it is configurable by RAM as you need, you can test drive for few hours and just pay few cents, it is you who will decide whether cPanel will be installed or directly WordPress will be installed and more just for few dollars per month. On those shared cPanel server (those who charge $3 – $5 per month) actually runs over 700 customer account on one server on average – this is the revenue model. They are obviously prone to data loss, hacking and downtimes. And probably all of these $3 / month takes the money for a year before they are delivering the service. But, for Cloud Server, you are paying on the next month.

    Self Hosted WordPress on Cloud Server : How WordPress Runs and How I can upload, download files, backup etc.

    As we are putting (very raw word, but probably you will understand it easily) the files of WordPress on a publicly accessible folder – we call it a ‘web software’. WordPress actually stores the data not on that folder. On that folder the basic files, configuration files, your uploaded images etc. are kept. The data (like the words in this webpage, its url, number of comments etc.) resides on a software named MySQL. MySQL is difficult to manage as there is no graphical interface – you have to use that black screen. To make it easier, there is a software named PHPMyAdmin. We PHPMyAdmin, we can visually backup and restore the data if needed. For accessing that publicly visible folder where WordPress is, we use another software, that is to be installed on your computer – FTP or Secure FTP Software. Where we will need this FTP Software ? I am providing the answer, but think yourself logically.
    We will use this FTP software to upload the Google’s webmaster tool’s verification file, we can use to upload a zip file so that you can download it.
    So, for complete backup of WordPress, we will need the MySQL database backup though PHPMyAdmin (it is the basic, there are indirect ways) and all the files (actually only few files are needed, just for your easy understanding) on that public folder where your WordPress is. That is via that FTP software. So, basically after installation, we will rarely need that black screen command line tool (just for understanding the basic, actually it is needed for update of the computer softwares – that is the server’s softwares and many things).

    Self Hosted WordPress Versus Old HTML, PHP, Dreamweaver created websites

    For easy understanding, there is no database – that MySQL and PHPMyAdmin is not present. All files are on FTP. You can understand, how easy it is. Just use your FTP software, login and you will get all your files. In fact, they can be scrapped without any access to the server (for HTML only, PHP is serverside programming language, it can not be scrapped in that way). So there are definitely practical facts – WordPress is an Advance, Interactive software and gives a huge flexibility. Despite the fact that a plain HTML page will load faster, WordPress is actually a software and being a software it is considered to Google bots a bit differently – this why WordPress or any web software with some needed functions ranks far better than a plain HTML webpage – it itself pings several services, makes Google aware of a new web page.

    Fixed-focus Lens Compact Digital Cameras #DAMARU

    Fixed-focus Lens Compact Digital Cameras : #DAMARU

    The Current Uprise of Premium Fixed-focus Lens Compact Digital Cameras is Not New. Many a times, consumers are getting confused while buying the Compact Digital Cameras. Many a times, it is difficult for them to understand what is Mirrorless Interchangeable-Lens Camera (DSLM)Bridge Digital CamerasDigital SLR cameras. Digital single-lens reflex camera (DSLR) or older film single-lens reflex camera (SLR) is actually not always the first choice of a high end ammeter or a professional. It was always Rangefinder Camera except few situations where single-lens reflex camera works better due to their inherited advantaged of shutter mechanism. Choice if budget is not a matter is Digital Rangefinder camera, That is virtually Leica M and Leica Monochrome at the time of writing this guide.

    What Fixed-focus Lens Compact Digital Cameras Means?

    Technically, Fixed-focus Lens Compact Digital Cameras should mean that the lens’s focus is not adjustable. The focus is set at the time of manufacturing. It is set to the hyperfocal distance, so that the depth of field ranges from few feet to infinity. Rather than having a method of determining the correct focusing distance and setting the lens to that focal point, a fixed-focus lens relies on sufficient depth of field to produce acceptably sharp images. By design they have a small aperture, which increases the depth of field. When such extended depth of field they are known as full-focus cameras.
    As such, Fixed-focus Lens Film Cameras existed before in film era. They were actually Rangefinder camera but not system cameras and a range written to indicate that lens can not be changed. They were Medium to Large Format. What “Compact Digital Camera” now indicates were said “Focus Free”! Noobs can not focus, adjust exposure, for them those Focus Free Film Cameras were sold. Kodak Retina S2 is good example.  Later in 1990s, zoom with electronic functions came. They had no proper name, usually “Good Zoom Camera” used to point towards them. They had the rangefinder function. Basically, that “Good Zoom Camera” were added a cropped sensor, rangefinder based viewfinder excluded by the manufacturers and became “Compact Digital”. You may enjoy it :
    There is no reason to think that these new Fixed-focus Lens Compact Digital Cameras are exactly same like Kodak Retina S2, indeed the new are optically worser breed. Kodak specially manufacturers the sensors for Leica. The resemblance is probably legally accepted.

    Fixed-focus Lens Compact Digital Cameras : What the Sellers Promote With

    It is normal for the buyers with limited knowledge to seek the best stuff at bargain price. Photography is a luxury for creation of art. Anything related to creation of art has no limit of pricing. Good quality graphite pencil costs a bomb. Most commonly the selling companies give a physical appearance of the cameras closer to a typical DSLR. Furthermore, they mention “manual focus ring”. As commonly abused for all segments, promoting with higher megapixel value is common.  We have classified these Fixed-focus Lens Compact Digital Cameras in to two groups :
    1. Professional Grade or Premium Fixed-focus Lens Compact Digital Cameras
    2. Consumer Grade Fixed-focus Lens Compact Digital Cameras
    Basis of classification is Image Sensor Format, quality of Lens, possible genuine mechanical manual focus system. The reason of this classification is – there are professional grade users who needs a good Fixed-focus Lens Compact Digital Camera for some practical filed works over a camera with interchangeable lens i.e. DSLR or Digital Rangefinder.
    Rangefinder is the acceptable mechanism to see through the optical viewfinder. That was standard in zoom lens film cameras. They mostly vanished now among the single reflex cameras except the Digital Rangefinders.

    Who Needs the Near Ideal Fixed-focus Lens Compact Digital Cameras

    High End Ammeters to Professionals need Near Ideal Fixed-focus Lens Compact Digital Cameras For Certain Purposes. Suppose, there is a civil war. How it is practical to use Leica M or Leica Monochrome in such situation? A hooligan or an innocent mob can push away the photographer. The camera can fall, it can break. Cameras with interchangeable lenses are not so stable unlike a Compact Digital. There is risk to getting dust inside the camera’s body. Portrait Photographers do not need wide range of focal lengths. After having a costly DSLR with many lenses, it is may be impractical to buy Leica M. But a consumer, particularly a newbie never needs a Fixed-focus Lens Compact Digital Camera. As the price range of these few Fixed-focus Lens Compact Digital Cameras are approaching towards the price of Leica’s other cameras, except who has the control on composition, exposure triangle, it is possibly a bad advice them to buy a Premium Fixed-focus Lens Compact Digital Camera. They may want to shift towards wildlife photography or macro photography. DSLR is suitable for such usages.
    Normally, for the DSLR and Digital Rangefinders, we prefer the prime lens over the zoom lens. The naming – Fixed-focus Lens Compact Digital Cameras, also targets the advanced users. Cost of Leica M Body plus Lens is far higher than Leica’s Fixed-focus Lens Compact Digital Camera Leica Q.

    None Knows the Whole Truth Behind the Premium Fixed-focus Lens Compact Digital Cameras 

    The driving mechanism of lens elements are different in compact digital camera. There are difference in movement mechanism of a zoom lens. What are true zoom lens, they have a parfocal lens design. Whereas, arifocal lens design is commonly used for the compact digital cameras. Usually it is said that, twist-zoom is inferior. Twist-zoom is commonly used in the consumer cameras. Not to forget that we have diaphragm as an important factor. To find the really good diaphragm blades, nowadays except seeking the vintage lenses, there is really not huge options. How one “mechanical manual focus ring” can control so many parameters on a zoom lens of a compact digital camera, that is really not possible to know. Compact Digital camera has a special Macro Mode, which is different than the true Macro Lens. Most mechanisms are patented.


    We are aware that Leica Q has good rating and good feedback. Still, for the new users; we will suggest to think about Mirrorless Interchangeable-Lens Camera (DSLM) or entry level Digital SLR cameras, according to their budgets. Who are advanced users, they can use the tool rightly. Ratings for the segment is possibly from the advanced users. Leica Q is full-frame and actually worths the money. Leica SL is Leica’s professional grade mirrorless. This is the current average street pricing for Leica’s systems –2012
    Leica M9 Digital Rangefinder Camera – $5,500 (Body only) [Old model, We Suggest]
    Leica M-P Digital Rangefinder Camera – $5,300 (Body only) [We Suggest]
    Leica M7 Digital Rangefinder Camera – $4,300 (Body only) [We Suggest]
    Leica Q Digital Camera – $4,200
    Leica T Mirrorless Digital Camera – $ 1,600 [We Suggest]
    Leica D-Lux Digital Camera – $1,200
    Living in-between Leica T and Leica M, possibly not a good idea when the Lens can not be changed.#DAMARU

    TURN-an old computer into a web server # DAMARU

    Turning an old computer into a web server of your own

    Principle of a server
    If you do not know what to do with your old computer, you must know that you can give it a new feature : turning it to a server. The principle of the server is to be permanently connected to the Internet to provide a particular service. This can be for example a Web server that will store your pages and make them accessible on the net. Indeed, it is not necessary to have a powerful computer to perform this function (in the case of a blog that is enough). Turning an old computer into a web server of your own-1
    The disadvantage is that it can use much electricity as the PC you use, especially as the power supply. So make sure it does not consume too much.
    Then, it must already have unlimited internet connection. For a server, it is not necessary to have a monitor, keyboard or mouse. For example you can install a VNC server and access it through another computer in case of problems, or simply plug a screen if the server crashes.
    Establish a Web server
    To install a Web server, use Apache. Its installation is simple and therefore it is best to use a service like Wamp will allow to have Apache with PHP and MySQL installed.
    After installation, right click on the program icon in the notification area at the bottom right and click Go online. You should get in the icon in the notification area. Now, all files that are in the www directory of wamp root folder will be visible on the Internet.
    To check if it works properly, just type your IP address in a browser and you should see the files in the www. This address is mostly dynamic (changing each time you reset the connection), there are services like DynDNS , which can give you a static address.
    Turning an old computer into a web server of your own
    In case of problems, you have to use a router (this is the case for Box ISPs), we must open port 80 which is closed by default. To do this, simply depending on your box to go in the NAT port translation. Then give a name, select port 80, type the IP address of the server on the LAN and finally add this new rule.
    If you want your files from the local network, the IP address to be used is one that has the computer on the LAN, like this Do not put the address you have on the net.
    To summarize
    • It’s very easy to create to a blog or website hosted on your own computer.
    • A powerful PC can perfectly play the role of a Web server.
    • Pay attention to power consumption.
    Other points:
    1. Operating system: You can use your existing Operating system (like Windows XP Professional), Install small foot print free Linux (Like Cent OS), buy Windows Server Editions. Difference between usual and Server Operating System is that, Server Operating System does not have needless programs installed and have lower CPU and RAM usage.
    2. UPS: This is must. You must have an uninterrupted power supply unit which can provide a backup of atleast 24 hour in case of power failure.
    3. Type of Internet connection: Always on, cable, broadband or T1 Internet with unlimited usage is ideal. Mobile Internet has the risk of frequent disconnections.
    4. Security: You must fine tune the security of your server from attacks of intrusion of hackers or viruses.


    USB ModemBy    Updated on 

    USB Modem : Functions, Features and Types

    USB Modem is a small external device that can be connected via USB port used to transmit digital information for the purpose of connecting to the Internet.The word modem originated from modulator-demodulator. USB Modems are now widely used as they are portable, wireless and on some ISPs an USB Modem can give almost the same speed and consistency of connection when compared to cable connection.

    Technology of a typical USB Modem

    An USB Modem actually delivers wireless Internet access, which is better known as Mobile Broadband. The evolution of USB Modem is from PC card or ExpressCard which slided into a PCMCIA/PC card/ExpressCard slot on relatively older laptop computers. As with time Smartphone became very powerful and various Network technologies arrived, both got merged and created these easy to use USB Modem devices.
    Most current smartphones support the function of an USB modem, typically for Nokia they are quite easy to use. However the maximum speed that can be achieved via an USB Modem is much more than when a smartphones is used to function as an USB modem. The reason is, the smartphone needs to keep the phone functions on using the same hardware terminal.
    Most USB Modem has an USB plug to connect to the computer, an IC inside which includes a SIM card or USIM card, either detachable or locked by the ISP. Most of the USB modem doubles up as an micro SD card reader. Externally there is a LED indicator which indicates the availability, connection status etc. of the Mobile Broadband. All  USB Modem needs a typical cellular phone network in order to get connected to the Internet, in other words, they are needs non-satellite type connectivity although some has satellite based Internet connectivity options.
    PROLINK-PHS300, 3.75 G USB
    HSUPA Modem

    Types of USB Modem

    Based on the network technology, a typical USB Modem can support High Speed Packet Access (HSPA), High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA), High Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA), that extends and improves the performance of existing WCDMA protocols. Most USB modem which supports the above written technologies, supports Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Older USB Modem usually uses CDMA-1 (EVDO related), GSM (GPRS/EDGE). However, when there is no HSDPA access, an hardware based network switch automatically uses the  GPRS/EDGE network.

    Features of USB Modem

    An advanced USB Modem with very good ISP is a jewel. As all advanced USB Modem has detachable USIM slot, an USIM with VPN connectivity can boost up the speed and stability even while inside a fast moving car. Up to 28 Mbit/s is supported by some USB Modem ISP providers.

    Other points

    Typically for  UMTS / HSPDA supported USB Modem, hardware switching takes place depending upon the type of usage. For remote areas, fall back to GPRS/EDGE significantly reduces the speed. If you are connecting an USB Modem with USB Hub to Increase the Number of USB Ports, the network switching might not be optimal.


     AF-S or AF-P in nikon, ?



    23-1-2017 - HARD TIMES FOR CASH


    nikkor AF-P DX-NIKKOR
    70-300 MM f/4.5-6.3 ED VR


    nikkor  AF -S NIKKOR 55-300MM  
    1.4,5-5.6 GED


    AF MICRO NIKKOR  55 mm 1.2.8

    AF-S NIKKOR DX 18-55 1 , 3.5  -G

    Which lens is better AF-S or AF-P in nikon, overall practical use?
    10 Answers

    Richard Brown, DSLR to View Cameras. Got them and use them all.
    Written 9 Dec 2016
    AF-S and AF-P refer to the two types of autofocus systems used in Nikon SLR/Digital SLR cameras.
    Some cameras can use either type of lens, but not all. AF-S is universal, as it refers to the silent wave focusing system, and should work with all autofocus capable cameras. AF-P requires a camera which provides camera body powered focusing, which is only in the higher end Nikons, like the D7100/D7200.
    In terms of “better,” focusing systems do nothing to improve the quality of the optics. There is a third option, MANUAL lenses, with no autofocus whatsoever. Even these lenses benefit from the focus system, however. Sharp focus is indicated in the viewfinder as you manually focus. On the D7100, for example, which I have, the camera will even tell you which way to turn the manual lens barrel to achieve focus, and a dot appears when you are focused.
    The good thing about manual lenses is they are very much required for professional cinema work.

    Above, a MANUAL 800mm f/5.6 ED IF Nikkor. Because manual lenses are no longer favored, I was able to find this lens on Ebay for a price more than $10,000 less than the original cost of this lens. Before autofocus, there were many great lenses.
    This Nikkor is mated to a Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema camera with a straight through adapter from Metabones. This enables massive telephoto effects with under 1/2 degree of vertical view.

    This is a view through the rig, above. The moon is basically a half a degree in width, and you can see it does not fit in the frame. This is a frame grab from a 24p sequence. Even on this camera, focus assist exists, important for a lens which focuses PAST infinity like this one.
    11.1k Views • View Upvotes
    Related QuestionsMore Answers Below
    •       What is the difference between the Nikon AF-P 18-55 VR and the AF-S 18-55 VR lens? Which is better?
    •       Which lens is better? (Nikon AF-S VR 70-300 mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED or Nikon 55-200mm f/4-5.6G AF-S VR DX IF-ED Telephoto Zoom Lens)?
    •       Why is the Nikon 70-300 AF-S more expensive than the newer AF-P when the AF-P overall is a better improved lens?
    •       Which one to chose from "Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 55-200MM F/4-5.6G ED VR II" and "Nikon 55-200mm f/4-5.6G AF-S VR DX IF-ED Telephoto Zoom "?
    •       Does the autofocus work on a Nikon AF-S lens?

    Mohan Turaga, 20+ years experience with film and 10 years with digital cameras
    Written 28 Aug 2016
    Let us understand what is AF-P. It is a lens with a stepping motor which allows faster and quieter auto focus which is advantageous for video and also in quiet shooting conditions. Nikon is gradually introducing this technology in its lenses and I have a feeling that Nikon may introduce it in all its lenses. As AF-P lenses incorporate a stepping motor, the number of compatible cameras is limited. For compatible cameras, a firmware update may be required.
    The following lenses are available with AF-P motors:
    1.      AF-P DX Nikkor 70–300mm f/4.5–6.3G ED VR
    2.      AF-P DX Nikkor 70–300mm f/4.5–6.3G ED (without VR)
    3.      AF-P DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR
    4.      AF-P DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G (without VR)
    Please read the following links also and check if your camera is compatible with AF-P lenses. Nikon brings stepping motors to its DSLRs with two 18-55mm AF-P lenses
    Optically they may be similar to older lenses but the speed of auto focus and silent operation are the advantages.
    17k Views • View Upvotes • Answer requested by Viraj Singh Rathod

    This is a view through the rig, above. The moon is basically a half a degree in width, and you can see it does not fit in the frame. This is a frame grab from a 24p sequence. Even on this camera, focus assist exists, important for a lens which focuses PAST infinity like this one.

    Eduardo Barriga, Amateur photographer for the last 50 years. Nikon user since 1972.
    Written 23 Oct 2016
    Hello. This is what Nikon says about the two types of lenses:
    “AF NIKKOR lenses use a mechanical coupling between the lens and the camera body. On several Nikon DSLR camera bodies, the focus motor is in the camera and a series of gears drives the lens' focusing mechanism, which allows the lens to focus.
    A benefit of AF-S NIKKOR lenses is that they use a "Silent Wave" motor (SWM) for focusing. The Silent Wave motor uses ultrasonic vibrations—rather than a gear system—to focus the lens, providing incredibly smooth, silent and precise autofocus operation.
    AF-P lenses use a “Pulse” motor or “Stepping” autofocus motor and are even quieter and smoother to autofocus than an AF-S lens, making these lenses ideal when shooting video with a DSLR.
    The DSLR camera bodies that do feature a focus motor can utilize AF and AF-S lenses. Or, in other words, because AF-S NIKKORs have the focus motor built into the lens, they can be used on any current Nikon camera body, whether the body has a focus motor or not, because the lens itself controls the focusing function.
    Consumer level Nikon digital SLR cameras are designed without built-in focus motors, which allow them to be smaller and lighter than the larger, more professional models. Consumer DSLRs that do not incorporate a built-in focus motor, therefore need to use an AF-S or AF-P NIKKOR lens to get the full autofocus capabilities from the lens.
    But what if you own one of the aforementioned consumer level camera bodies and really want to use an AF lens. You need to know if your camera can accept the lens—and the answer is yes. An AF NIKKOR lens can be used on a consumer camera, with limited functionality. You will have to manually focus the lens, using the focus ring on the lens barrel. The electronic rangefinder, which is visible in the lower left portion of the viewfinder, will confirm that your subject is in focus. Rotate the focus ring on the lens and when it lights up green, the subject is in focus.”
    So it depends, on the camera you have and the type of shooting you want to do. Best wishes!!
    6.3k Views • View Upvotes • Answer requested by David Dumashie

    Vashistha Pathak, Shutter Bug
    Written 18 Nov 2016
    AF-P is better
    Just Like Canon announcing new lens with stepping motor that also compatible with video (silent AF operation) Nikon too announcing silent AF lenses under the AF-P name. That’s all.
    New AF-P lens designation
    AF-P is the designation used to distinguish these new lenses from Nikon's existing AF-S models. The full model name is 'AF-P DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G' and the only difference between the two new AF-P models is that the cheaper lens does not have Nikon's VR image stabilization system.
    Both lenses have a retracting mechanism that saves space and bulk when they're not being used. This was first seen on the 18-55mm VR II lens that first appeared with the Nikon D3300. But Nikon's also saved weight and bulk by ditching the AF/MF and VR switches on the lens barrel. Instead, these options are set via a menu on the camera body.
    Nikon says this is a good thing because it means you won't accidentally change the lens settings through clumsy camera handling, but it could also be interpreted as a bit of cost saving - and it does lead to an additional complication. These controls will be available only on the Nikon D3300, D5300 and D5500 models, and even these may require a firmware update.
    It's not the first time Nikon has created additional complications by cutting back on physical features - its D3xxx-series and D5xxx-series DSLRs dropped the autofocus drive mechanisms built into the body on other models, so you are restricted to lenses with autofocus motors built in. Most modern lenses do have AF motors, but some older and still useful lenses don't.
    The new lenses are made for Nikon's DX format cameras and priced pretty keenly, though most users are likely to get them as part of a kit.
    The AF-P DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G (non-VR) weighs 195g and will cost £149.99 (about US$220). The AF-P DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR weighs 205g and will cost £199.99 (about US$293).
    6.9k Views • View Upvotes

    Arvin Chang, Making images for decades - some of them were not terrible ;D
    Written 11 Aug 2016
    AFAIK, there are only two Nikon AF-P lenses (lenses with stepping motors) in existence: the AF-P DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR and the AF-P DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G (non-VR version). Those two lenses are better than their AF-S counterpart the AF-S Zoom-Nikkor ED 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G DX as they focus faster, quieter and more smoothly (the latter being very important when shooting video).
    However, there are many aspects of a lens aside from focusing motor and they tend to be more important in “overall practical use”.

    Richard M. Fidler, I have been a photographer both amateur and professional for more than 40 years
    Written Nov 21
    They both achieve the exact same end result. The AF-P is just a little faster, and Nikon being the company it is, they don’t adopt new technology unless it’s proven to make for a better experience. Nikon puts it this way :
    These AF-P lenses, for which a stepping motor has been adopted to drive autofocus, ensure fast and quiet AF. The benefits of smooth and quiet AF are also demonstrated with movie recording. These lenses were also designed to be compact and lightweight, making them extremely portable, despite the fact that they are telephoto zoom lenses.
    That is the take on the 70–300 zoom that incorporates the new tech. It’s on others too of course. Most of the time I use manual focus (when the scene allows it), so it’s kind of a moot point for me.
    3.1k Views • Answer requested by A. Elizabeth Evans

    Prasanjeet Choudhury
    Written Oct 3
    Currently Nikon only has 4 AF-P lenses of 2 focal lengths, with and without VR, meaning 2 variants of each.
    1.      AF-P DX NIKKOR
    18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR
    2.      AF-P DX NIKKOR
    18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G
    3.      AF-P DX NIKKOR 70-300MM F/4.5-6.3G ED VR
    4.      AF-P DX NIKKOR 70-300MM F/4.5-6.3G ED
    AF-P lenses have a stepping motor, which makes autofocusing faster and smoother.
    18–55mm is the standard kit lens focal length. And I can tell you that AF-P 18–55 is clearly superior to the AF-S 18–55. Faster, smoother and quieter focus. Since it’s faster, it helps still images, since it’s quieter, it’s good for video recording, as it doesn’t have the annoying autofocus motor noise. So this IS better than the equivalent AF-S version.
    70–300 one is a new in which they tried to emulate the focal length of the FX lens 70–300 f4.5–5.6 but he AF-P one is f4.5–6.3 so it is inferior comparatively. But then again, this is offered as a kit lens instead of the 55–200. And I would say either of them in this range is fine. If you want more range(telephoto) and quieter focus, but compromising on the aperture on the tele end, then you can go for the AF-P 70–300.
    Points to remember -
    1.      There are only 4 total AF-P lenses Nikon has and they have just started manufacturing it.
    2.      You only get the VR variant, as an option in the kit lens with some D3xxx and D5xxx series cameras, the newer ones. I don’t think there is any reason one would want to buy the non-VR one anyway.
    3.      These lenses don’t have a physical switch to change turn VR on and off or to change between manual and auto focus. You have to do it inside the camera, but for that you have to update your camera firmware. Me personally, I don’t like this move Nikon decided to do. I’d prefer physical buttons, they make it much faster.
    4.      These lenses are currently only compatible with a very few cameras. The entry level ones. I’m not sure if they will make it compatible with others via firmware updates or not in the future or if they will make more lenses with stepping motor. We have to wait and see. So you should google which cameras AF-P ones are compatible with.
    5.      They are all OK lenses, as they are kit lenses. Out of the 2, I would say 18–55 one is sharper. 70–300, well, the range would be quite helpful, especially for wildlife things like that, as it’s versatile. But don’t expect much from it in low light conditions, as it has variable aperture.
    6.      They both have plastic mounts. Something I don’t like. Overall they aren’t that durable, but then pretty much NO kit lens is made to be durable like the more expensive pro lenses anyway.
    I think I have the best answer here ;) And I hope that helped. :)
    4.3k Views • View Upvotes

    Rafael Suarez, 17 years taking and missing pictures
    Written Dec 13
    It all depends. If you are going to need ultra fast focus, maybe the P are the ones you need. But if you are into product or food photography, maybe this is not that relevant. I mean the only difference I notice is the focus speed. No better optical formula, no better crystal… Just a different motor… Faster. If you are an amateur, buy the normal ones. And if you want to get better at focusing, buy a manual one.

    Navin Prasath, Enthusiastic photographer
    Written Wed
    i am being practical in this case
    AF-P lenses use stepping Motors for focus. They offer a better ,smooth and silent operation in focusing.
    only 4 lenses are available.(that too only two 18-55kit,70–300 both with or without vr).
    so obviously,if u are in need of any one you have a choice. but ,about me AF-P or AF-S they are not going to make a lot of difference.
    101 Views • Answer requested by Mohana569 .

    Paul Preston, Professional wedding and nature photographer living in Wisconsin.
    Written Oct 19
    I’d go with the AF-P but its use depends on your camera body. Easy enuf to find out. If you buy used, make sure the lens is clean, namely no fungus etc. Good luck.